New Pig Oil Boom - Oil-Only Absorbent Boom - 2 Pack - 8" x 10' Boom - Absorbs up to 12 gallons per Boom - BOM400


ABSORBS AND RETAINS OILS AND OIL-BASED LIQUIDS - including lubricants and fuels - without taking in a drop of water.BOOMS FLOAT at surface for easy retrieval, even when saturated.TOUGH OUTER MESH is UV resistant for long-term outdoor use without degradation; lets fluids easily pass through to filler material.ROPE RUNNING ALONG LENGTH OF BOOM withstands up to 400-lb. loads, adding strength for deployment and retrieval.STRONG, ZINC-PLATED CARBON STEEL attachment clips and rings allow you to link booms together for greater length.BRIGHT WHITE COLOR makes booms easier to see in outdoor environments and clearly shows saturation level.CAN BE INCINERATED after use to reduce waste or for fuels blending

