Leisure Arts Grannies Gone Wild Crochet, Granny Square Crochet Book, Granny Square Book, Crochet Granny Squares Book, Granny Square Sourcebook, Crochet Patterns and Projects


Dive into the world of crochet with Leisure Arts Grannies Gone Wild Crochet Book, a treasure trove of inspiration and patterns that allows you to explore the boundless potential of granny squares in your crafting projects..With an extensive collection of unique patterns, this crochet granny square pattern book empowers you to infuse every creation with your unique mood and style, ensuring that each piece is a true reflection of your personality..Whether you prefer the classic appeal of worsted weight yarn, the delicate touch of fine baby yarn, or the cozy texture of chunky yarn, this book provides patterns that cater to a variety of yarn weights, allowing you to experiment..Equipped with clear, step-by-step instructions, this book makes crocheting granny squares accessible and enjoyable for crafters of all skill levels. From novices to seasoned pros, everyone can find joy in bringing these charming squares to life..Spanning 32 pages in a softcover format, this crochet book is not only comprehensive in its offerings but also compact and convenient, making it the perfect companion for cozy evenings of crafting and creating cherished heirlooms.

