Merrick Limited Ingredient Diet Premium With Healthy Grains Natural Canned Wet Dog Food Chicken And Brown Rice - (Pack of 12) 12.7 oz. Cans


Merrick Limited Ingredient Diet Healthy Grains Chicken And Brown Rice Recipe, Premium And Wholesome, Natural With Vitamins, Minerals And Nutrients Canned Wet Dog Food.Real deboned chicken is the first ingredient in this premium canned wet recipe with grains, providing high protein and vitamins and minerals with easily digestible oatmeal for your adult dog.Limited ingredient wet dog food is specially crafted for adult dogs with sensitivity. Natural with added vitamins, minerals and nutrients formula is pea free and potato free.Wholesome and soft canned dog food made with chicken can be served as a standalone meal or as a topper to add moisture for dry kibble, and comes in a convenient pull-tab can for easy opening.This limited ingredient dog food with a holistic blend of grains has no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives. Proudly founded in Hereford, TX, crafted in USA facilities



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