Merrick Healthy Grains Salmon and Brown Rice, Raw Coated Kibble, Natural High Protein Freeze Dried Dog Food, 22 lbs.
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Experience Merrick Healthy Grains Freeze-Dried Raw-Coated Kibble Salmon and brown rice dog food, nutritious protein in a freeze-dried raw-coated salmon and rice dog food. Real deboned salmon is the first ingredient in this food for dogs, with a blend of grains to support healthy digestion. This high protein dog food gives an added boost of nutrition and savory flavor on every piece of dry dog food. Natural dog food with grains provides omega fatty acids and other dog vitamins to support your dog's healthy skin and coat plus brain health in this dog kibble. Leading levels of glucosamine and chondroitin help maintain healthy joint support for dogs. Enjoy the raw delicious taste in a real meat dog food, balanced with wholesome ingredients like brown rice, real whole foods, and vitamins for dogs. This natural dog food is crafted with no peas, lentils or potatoes. Like all Merrick dog food recipes, this salmon dog food is produly founded in Hereford, TX, crafted in USA facilities.



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