Merrick Grain Free Bone Broth, Premium Human Grade And Gluten Free Dog And Cat Food Topper Pouches, Turkey - 7 oz. Pouch

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Merrick Grain Free Turkey Bone Broth, Premium Quality, Gluten Free Human Grade Natural With Added Vitamins And Minerals Dog And Cat Food Topper Pouches.Add this nourishing, wholesome, and delicious human grade bone broth as a healthy dog food or cat food topper for a boost of flavor or as a savory treat.A dog and cat food topper made with a holistic blend of simple ingredients and accented with superfoods like pumpkin and cranberries that can be served as a gluten free treat.Enhanced with unique spices including parsley and ginger, this turkey bone broth for both cats and dogs adds moisture to your pet’s diet and adds a healthy flavor boost.These meal mixers for dogs are pouches that are natural with added vitamins and minerals and free of artificial colors, flavors, and fillers. Proudly founded in Hereford, TX, crafted in USA facilities



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