Floral Compass Rose Bouquet for Delivery - Prime Eligible - Rainbow Brights Double Dozen Bouquet - 24 Fresh Roses, Petite Stems, No Vase


Double Dozen Rose bouquet : Our Rose bouquet arrives as shown, composed of 24 fresh roses with thoughtfully selected colors, perfect for your special someone..Give the gift of fresh roses: Check the “This is a gift” box in your cart or at checkout and write a custom message to celebrate special occasions such as an anniversary, birthday, or holiday..Farm fresh flowers: We deliver fresh blooms from our owned and operated flower farms that are designed to maintain their visual integrity and quality; vases and lifestyle décor not included..Woman founded and led business: At Floral Compass, our mission is to celebrate and embrace flowers in daily routines and for special occasions with our expertly-designed, stylish floral bouquets.



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