IAMS PROACTIVE HEALTH Puppy Wet Dog Food Classic Ground with Chicken and Rice, 12-Pack of 13 oz. Cans


Contains Twelve (12) 13 oz. Cans of IAMS PROACTIVE HEALTH Puppy Wet Dog Food Classic Ground with Chicken and Rice.Wholesome Nutrition: IAMS classic ground puppy wet food is a healthy meal made with DHA to support healthy brain development.Healthy Skin and Coat: Wholesome, balanced, and nutritious canned puppy food formulated with omega-6 fatty acids to promote healthy skin and a soft coat.No Soy or Artificial Flavors: Made with carbohydrates from wholesome grains to give puppies healthy energy, without any soy or artificial flavors.Formulated for Puppies: Whole grain rice provides your puppy with carbohydrates for healthy energy



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