Purina ONE True Instinct High Protein Formula With Real Beef and Salmon Dry Dog Food, 27.5 lbs.
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Feed your dog the way nature intended with Purina ONE Natural High Protein Dog Food True Instinct with Real Beef and Salmon With Bone Broth and Added Vitamins, Minerals and Nutrients. A nutrition-packed, high protein dog food, each serving of this dog kibble features real beef as the first ingredient, providing 32 percent protein to support your dog's strong muscles, including a healthy heart. To promote skin and coat health, this Purina ONE dry dog food includes omega-6 fatty acids and a wealth of vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Also, it delivers four antioxidant sources to bolster immune health. With 100 percent nutrition, 0 percent fillers and no artificial flavors or preservatives, every ingredient in this high protein dry dog food has a purpose. This mouthwatering beef and salmon dog food is crafted for quality and safety in Purina-owned U.S. facilities. Serve your canine companion the nutrition he needs to excel with this Purina ONE dog food formula.



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