Souls in Alignment: Three Doors to the Soul : A Journey Through Religion, Science and Spirituality to Reveal Our Souls Real Purpose (Series #1) (Paperback)


This book serves three purposes: ✔ One, it is my personal journey of Soul-Exploration through religion, science & spirituality. ✔ Two, it is a resource guide for Your Own Soul-Experiencing. ✔ And three, it is a starting tool-belt for healing two of the biggest earth-consciousness creations: Victimhood and Villainhood. This work was intentionally kept to a brief 72 pages (in the print edition). It introduces what I hope are new ideas and possibilities for you and it points to further avenues for exploration. It is the culmination of 60 years of life studies and experience. There is nothing I have found more profound and more comforting than what I share here. ◆ We truly believe that if everyone in the world reads this book, understands it and uses it in their own lives, all the suffering and sorrow of this world would vanish. ◆ My wife Lynetta and I use these teachings and practices every day. They bring us complete freedom from our challenging family and religious backgrounds, and they empower us to create a life of such delight that sometimes we burst out laughing in our joy. The first half of Three Doors to the Soul details Rabbi Mark's personal journey of discovery to the two books that have become the scientific "Bible" of Soul knowledge. These two books exploded Mark's understanding of the greatness of our Souls and why we have chosen to incarnate here. Read the first half of Three Doors if ANY of the following apply to you: #1 You believe in a soul as taught in Western religions including Judaism, Christianity, Islam or any of their offshoots. #2 You consider yourself 'spiritual' whether involved in religion or not. #3 You are into science and may have steered clear of all

