Send elegance and beauty with this stunning arrangement featuring delicate Lavender Roses, charming Lavender Alstroemeria, vibrant Fuchsia Carnations, lovely Lavender Matsumoto Asters, elegant Lavender Cushion Spray Chrysanthemums, and enchanting Lavender Sinuata Statice, accented with delicate Pink Waxflower and lush floral greens. Presented in a keepsake Lavender Butterfly Pitcher, this arrangement exudes grace and tenderness, making it the perfect gift to express your love and admiration. Customize your gift with a personalized message for an extra special touch. Includes: • Lavender Roses • Lavender Alstroemeria • Fuchsia Carnations • Lavender Matsumoto Asters • Lavender Cushion Spray Chrysanthemums • Lavender Sinuata Statice • Pink Waxflower • Floral Greens • Keepsake Lavender Butterfly Pitcher • Personalized Gift Message