Fill their day with color and joy! A bouquet of mixed roses and a delicious bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon makes the perfect gift to send to a friend or a loved one. With unique meanings for every color from red roses that mean love and courage, to yellow roses that mean thank you, and pink roses that mean joy, there is a message perfect for every occasion. Accompanied by a delicious bottle of Sonoma County, Healdsburg vinted, Pinot Noir, featuring notes of dark berries, vanilla, and clove - it doesn't get any better! Flowers and wine make the perfect pairing. The flowers are delivered arranged and wrapped in a gift box. Blooms may take 2-3 days to open up, as shown in product photo. Upon arrival, remove flowers from wrap, trim ends of stems and place in vase with fresh water including flower food packet. Includes: • One Dozen Long Stem Roses • Variety of Colors • Hill & Harbor - California Pinot Noir - 750 mL Bottle • Personalized Card Message • Glass Vase (Optional)