Purple and lavender wedding bouquet. Lavender bridesmaid bouquet. Spring wedding bouquet. Purple bridal bouquet. - boutonniere style 3


Purple and Lavender bouquet from 100% handmade flowers and greenery (exept lavender).Everlasting, never fading, pretty realistic.Wedding bouquet is decorated with ribbons.Bouquet is available in 3 sizes: 7, 9 and 12 inches. It also can be completed with corsage and boutonniere in the same style. If you like the design but your wedding is in other color do not hesitate to contact me custom orders are welcome.When placing the order, please Specify the event dateOther colors are also available. Contact me freely if you need some other variants.Shipping toUSA 2545 daysEurope2025 daysCanada and Australia from 1 to 3 months______IMPORTANT___Time I need to preapare 1 bouquets for shipping 310 calendar days.Please note, that color may be slightly different due to different color rendering of your gadget screens.


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