Jesus Christ. Art Inspired By Shroud Of Turin. Fine Sepia Print


The Shroud of Turin is an ancient linen cloth bearing the image of a man. Some believe it is the cloth that covered Jesus of Nazareth when he was placed in his tomb & that his image was somehow recorded as a photographic negative on its fibers. Skeptics contend the shroud is a medieval forgery or even a devotional work of artistic verisimilitude. Believers contend that the Shroud is a truly unique sign that relates to the loving sacrifice of Jesus, & that due to the obvious miracle of the resurrection a transformative process could well have left an indelible image on the linen cloth that covered him. The shroud inspires many to remember the example of Lord Jesus & to pattern their life on the love of one who gave so much for us. This devotional artwork was inspired by the story about the history of the Shroud of Turin. Note: Before you purchase, please be very sure to double-check your order. Once the order has been placed, it immediately goes into individual production, & consequently, it is not possible for us to stop the preprogrammed machinery to cancel & reimburse. in order to keep costs of the artwork price to a minimum, our fulfillment printer does not allow for changes to the flow of incoming orders. Thank you. ©Hearts For Love Watermark logo will not be on the print. Jesus Christ. Art Inspired By Shroud Of Turin. Fine Sepia Print



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