Double Sided Quartz Pseudo After Calcite Comobabi Mountains, Pima, Arizona


Quartz pseudomorph after Calcite Comobabi Mountains, Pima County, Arizona 13.5cm8cm3.5cm A pseudomorphic cast of Sugary, drusy Quartz replacing scalenohedral Calcite from the Comobabi Mountains of Pima, Arizona. These specimens are rare today as the mine was worked sporadically from the 1850s up to the 1960s. I've only come across a handful, & none were so large. On the top of the plate, densely intergrown crystals exhibit a light blue-grey toned base gradienting into a pale white. On the reverse is a network of small botryoids ranging in color from Salmon, to dusty Sienna to Periwinkle to Grey. Double Sided Quartz Pseudo After Calcite Comobabi Mountains, Pima, Arizona

