Abraham's Hospitality | Η Φιλοξενία Του Αβραάμ Hand Painted Greek Orthodox Byzantine Icon


Abraham's Hospitality ( Η Φιλοξενία του Αβραάμ ) hand painted Greek Orthodox Byzantine icon, entirely hand made on canvas with crocus, set in a gold leaf gilded background. It is in accord with the style the tradition & the criteria of the Macedonian school of Agio Oros ( Mount Athos ). The central theme of the icon is the hospitality of Abraham to three unknown men, who announced that his wife Sarah would have a child within a year, which came true. in fact, these three men are the demonstration of the Holy Trinity & they are presented in an angelic form, stating that they are visitors from heaven. Abraham's Hospitality | Η Φιλοξενία Του Αβραάμ Hand Painted Greek Orthodox Byzantine Icon

