Amethyst Rainbow Flame Aura Crystal Pillar For Creativity, Art, Psychic Energy, Meditation, Mysticism, Chakra Activation, Healing
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Our Amethyst Rainbow Flame Aura crystal pillars are vibrant in shades of blue, purple, gold, & pink. These pillars make a stunning addition to your gemstone collection. Pictures of these stones do not do them justice! Add these as the center focus for your crystal grids, gemstone magick, & decorative accent on your altar or sacred space. Each one is absolutely spectacular & is a powerful magickal tool. These gorgeous pillars are created by coating standing amethyst pillar clusters with pure titanium which is then bonded under high heat resulting in stunning visual rainbows & energy that burst forth from each unique piece. About the crystal: By combining titanium with amethyst you are getting incredibly powerful energy. Rainbow Flame Aura Amethyst will help to activate & open your energy centers (chakras) allowing more vibrant energy into your life. This stone is an excellent stone for creativity, both removing blockages to creativity & enhancing creative powers. An intensely visual stone, promoting clairvoyance & all forms of "seeing." They are used in meditation & yogic practice, where it appears to stimulate the upward movement of the kundalini. Carrying the mineral is said to assist in "reading" people." Rainbow Flame Aura Amethyst stimulates the Third Eye intensely. These stones are fantastic for healing dysfunction in relationships. Rainbow Flame Aura is associated with creativity, art, the third eye, mysticism, psychic energy, meditation, & introspection. Titanium molecules are bonded to the amethyst crystal under high temperatures. Titanium is one of the strongest & most beautiful metals. The fantastic colors are permanent & will neither rub off nor fade. Because the colors are produced by blending natural substances with a natural affinity, & not by a dye, the metaphysical properties are enhanced rather than destroyed. Amethyst is purple quartz & is a meditative & calming stone. It works on the emotional, spiritual, & physical planes to provide calm, balance, patience, & peace. Amethyst is also beneficial when dealing with legal problems & money issues, which can lead to prosperity & abundance. Amethyst is a stone of spirituality & contentment. It aids to transmute lower energetic frequencies into the higher frequencies of the etheric & spiritual levels. It represents the principles of complete metamorphosis. As a balancer of the intellectual, emotional, & physical bodies, it provides a clear connection between planes of existence. Amethyst grants us stability, strength, & peace while cleansing the aura to transmute discordant energies into harmony. It is also a "stone of meditation" as an excellent conductor of the calming energy needed to not only enter mediation but to maintain the state. Amethyst has been known to enhance the efficiency & cooperation of our physical, mental, & emotional bodies. It helps us assimilate new ideas. By working with amethyst, we can remember & apply energies to our bodies, into intellection activities as

