12 Rays Of Light | 12mm 5Th Dimensional Healing Tool Made With Authentic Monatomic Andara Crystal Beads


12 Rays of Light 5th Dimensional Healing Tool made with authentic Monatomic Andara Crystal beads our main website has more offerings & we invite you to visit www.tools4transformation.com ANDARA CRYSTAL AUTHENTICITY CARD INCLUDED For more info about Andara Crystals please visit https://www.tools4transformation.com/pages/andara-crystals-info We suggest you read this prior to making a purchase. This healing tool not only brings in the benefits of the individual colors, but also the vibration of the set intention of this healing tool. AVAILABLE in 4 DIFFERENT BEAD SIZES 10mm, 12mm, 14mm & 16mm THIS LISTING IS FOR THE 12mm SIZE Each Ring consists of on of the following colors of beads - Red, Orange, Golden Yellow, Green, Medium Bright Blue, Indigo, Purple, Light Teal (Seafoam Green), Teal (Blue/green), Opalescence (Pearlessence), Peach (Pink/Orange) & Light Gold Andara Beads The Rays of Light are Spiritual Rays - different then the primary Color Rays. Working with these rays helps to expand & activate while harmonizing the aspects of self. Here are the masters of the rays for reference 1st ray - El Morya - Red 2nd - Kuthumi - Blue 3rd - Serapis Bey - Yellow 4th - Paul the Ventian - Green 5th - Hilarion - Orange 6th - Sanada - Indigo 7th - Lady Portia & St. Germain - Purple 8th - Moses - Seafoam Green 9th - Abraham - Blue/green 10th - Ezekiel - Pearlessemce 11th - Vladmir - Pink/orange 12th - Joseph - Gold How to use... This tool can be placed on any area of the body which is in need of healing attention, can be used as a chakra tool - moving it from chakra to chakra , can be held in hand during meditation, can be hung in space to raise the surrounding frequencies. etc. Use is only limited by your imagination. Healing tool is shown next to a US quarter coin which is 24mm What you might experience when working with this 5th Dimensional Healing Tool made with authentic Monatomic Andara Crystal beads Interest in Andaras has been growing as humanity's consciousness is expanding into the 5th dimension. They are a potent tools for profound healing, awakening & assistance in realizing our full potential within all levels & aspects of being. Even though each person's experience may be different - we have listed a few things which we have experienced to give you an idea of the direction & help they can provide. Authentic Monatomic Andara Crystals can... -Clear blockages -Heal physical vehicle -Remove pain -Purify the aura -Recalibrate the nervous system -Open the heart -Shift perception -Increase vibration -Enhance DNA -Access light codes & define light language -Access ancient wisdom/sacred knowledge/akashic records for expansive understanding -Rise above past & future & focus on present moment -Ease & speed the ascension process -Expand consciousness -Empower the being -Lead to live 5D while still in a 3D to 4D surrounding Because the Andara Crystals are "first-matter" elements aka prima matra they possess some unique traits which many find at first



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