1-800-Flowers Flower Delivery One Dozen Assorted Roses Bouquet W/ Chocolate


If every rose color has a meaning, a gift of our vibrant assorted roses will be the most meaningful surprise of all. Send a gathering of these farm- fresh favorites to let someone know how you feel. | If every rose color has a meaning, a gift of our vibrant assorted roses will be the most meaningful surprise of all. Send a gathering of these farm- fresh favorites to let someone know how you feel. Gathering of one dozen assorted roses; colors may vary based on availabilityPicked fresh on our premier farms around the world, our flowers are cared for every step of the way and shipped fresh to ensure lasting beauty and enjoymentAdd to their gift: Pink hourglass vase with elegant carved fluted detail; measures 8" HClear hourglass vase with elegant carved fluted detail; measures 8" HDelicious selection of imported Belgian chocolate truffles arrives in a decorative gift box with "Sending You Sweet Smiles" sentiment; flavors include dark chocolate caramel with Himalayan sea salt, milk chocolate praline, white chocolate hazelnut, and milk chocolate with toffee; 3.95 oz.; 12 pieces | 1-800-Flowers Flower Delivery One Dozen Assorted Roses Bouquet W/ Chocolate



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