1-800-Flowers Flower Delivery Two Dozen Romantic Red Roses Bouquet Only


A luxurious romantic classic for your Valentine. Our carefully selected farm- fresh red roses will bring you even closer to the one you love. | A luxurious romantic classic for your Valentine. Our carefully selected farm- fresh red roses will bring you even closer to the one you love. Bouquet of 24 red rosesPicked fresh on our premier farms around the world, our flowers are cared for every step of the way and shipped fresh to ensure lasting beauty and enjoymentAdd to their gift: Exclusive red glass vase with an artistic footed detail and a classic design; measures 9"HClassic clear glass hourglass vase with elegant carved fluted detail; measures 9"HRed heart- shape sparkle box with satin ribbon contains 11 Belgian chocolates: 3 heart- shape milk chocolate caramel truffles, 3 heart- shape dark chocolate truffles with raspberry cream filling, a heart- shape white chocolate truffle with passionfruit cream filling, and 4 milk chocolate buttons; 3.9 oz; measures 5.9" x 5.9" x 1.6" | 1-800-Flowers Flower Delivery Two Dozen Romantic Red Roses Bouquet Only



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