Purple | Mixed Bouquets | Prettiest Purple Bouquet | Same Day Flower Delivery by Teleflora
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Pretty as a picture, this perfect purple bouquet spoils your someone special with lavender roses and a graceful frosted glass vase. Lavender roses, lavender alstroemeria, purple button spray chrysanthemums, purple matsumoto asters, miniature lavender carnations, lavender waxflower and lavender sinuata statice are arranged with parvifolia eucalyptus and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in Teleflora's Serendipity Glass Vase. Lavender roses, lavender alstroemeria, purple button spray chrysanthemums, purple matsumoto asters, miniature lavender carnations, lavender waxflower and lavender sinuata statice are arranged with parvifolia eucalyptus and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in Teleflora's Serendipity Glass Vase. Lavender roses, lavender alstroemeria, purple button spray chrysanthemums, purple matsumoto asters, miniature lavender carnations, lavender waxflower and lavender sinuata statice are arranged with parvifolia eucalyptus and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in Teleflora's Serendipity Glass Vase. Orientation: All-Around. Teleflora P_Tev61-6A - Prettiest Purple Bouquet - Flower Delivery, Premium Arrangement

