Soft Reflections Bouquet | Mixed Bouquets | Same Day Flower Delivery | Yellow | Teleflora


Soft, sunshiny blooms and a sparkling silver vase combine to striking effect in this magnificent bouquet. Its yellow and peach roses and keepsake vase are sure to make them smile, no matter the occasion! Soft, sunshiny blooms and a sparkling silver vase combine to striking effect in this magnificent bouquet. Its yellow and peach roses and keepsake vase are sure to make them smile, no matter the occasion! Soft, sunshiny blooms and a sparkling silver vase combine to striking effect in this magnificent bouquet. Its yellow and peach roses and keepsake vase are sure to make them smile, no matter the occasion! This soft mix of yellow roses, light yellow spray roses, peach spray roses, yellow alstroemeria, crme carnations and peach stock is accented with spiral and seeded eucalyptus. Delivered in a Silver Reflections vase. This soft mix of yellow roses, light yellow spray roses, peach spray roses, yellow alstroemeria, crme carnations and peach stock is accented with spiral and seeded eucalyptus. Delivered in a

