White Roses, Alstroemeria, Green Carnations, Button Mums, Angel's Wing Keepsake. Same Day Flower Delivery. Teleflora Hearts in Heaven Sympathy Bouquet
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Share your heart and show your love with this magnificent display of green and white blooms, gracefully surrounding an angel's wing keepsake with a loving message of sympathy. White spray roses, white alstroemeria, green gladioli, green carnations, green button spray chrysanthemums, and white cushion spray chrysanthemums are accented with dusty miller, pitta negra, and lemon leaf. Delivered with a Heaven's Heart keepsake. White spray roses, white alstroemeria, green gladioli, green carnations, green button spray chrysanthemums, and white cushion spray chrysanthemums are accented with dusty miller, pitta negra, and lemon leaf. Delivered with Teleflora's Heaven's Heart keepsake. White spray roses, white alstroemeria, green gladioli, green carnations, green button spray chrysanthemums, and white cushion spray chrysanthemums are accented with dusty miller, pitta negra, and lemon leaf. Delivered with Teleflora's Heaven's Heart keepsake. Orientation: One-Sided. Teleflora P_T278-4A - Hearts In Heaven Bouquet - Green - Flower Delivery, Standard Arrangement



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