Crème Roses, White Asiatic Lilies, Lavender Alstroemeria & More. Angel of Grace Keepsake. Same Day Flower Delivery. Teleflora Beautiful Heart Bouquet.
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Show them they're in your heart with this magnificent display of roses, lilies and alstroemeria, gracefully surrounding a timeless angel sculpture keepsake. Beautifully fragrant, it's a tribute that will warm their hearts forever. This beautiful arrangement includes crème roses, white asiatic lilies, lavender alstroemeria, purple carnations, lavender stock, dusty miller and lemon leaf. Delivered with an Angel of Grace keepsake. This beautiful arrangement includes crème roses, white asiatic lilies, lavender alstroemeria, purple carnations, lavender stock, dusty miller and lemon leaf. Delivered with Teleflora's Angel of Grace keepsake. This beautiful arrangement includes crème roses, white asiatic lilies, lavender alstroemeria, purple carnations, lavender stock, dusty miller and lemon leaf. Delivered with Teleflora's Angel of Grace keepsake. Orientation: One-Sided. Teleflora P_T274-3A - Beautiful Heart Bouquet - Multi - Flower Delivery, Premium Arrangement

