Multi-Colored | Mixed Bouquets | Glow Of Gratitude Centerpiece | Same Day Flower Delivery by Teleflora
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Give thanks by sending this fall flower centerpiece. A chic, exotic spin on the traditional Thanksgiving centerpiece, it features orchids, roses, lilies and leucadendron in rich fall colors below a glowing taper candle, surrounded by a glass hurricane. Yellow cymbidium orchids, red roses, burgundy asiatic lilies, bronze cushion mums, red leucadendron, seeded eucalyptus and salal are accented with red oak leaves. A pomegranate taper candle inside a classic glass hurricane adds a warm glow to the room. Yellow cymbidium orchids, red roses, burgundy asiatic lilies, bronze cushion mums, red leucadendron, seeded eucalyptus and salal are accented with red oak leaves. A pomegranate taper candle inside a classic glass hurricane adds a warm glow to the room. Yellow cymbidium orchids, red roses, burgundy asiatic lilies, bronze cushion mums, red leucadendron, seeded eucalyptus and salal are accented with red oak leaves. A pomegranate taper candle inside a classic glass hurricane adds a warm glow to the room. Orientation: All-Around. Teleflora P_T178-1A - Glow Of Gratitude Centerpiece - Multi - Flower Delivery, Deluxe Arrangement

