Yellow | Mixed Bouquets | Golden Days Basket | Same Day Flower Delivery by Teleflora
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Send warm autumn sunshine to a special friend or relative with this golden gift basket of flowers. Yellow lilies and sunflowers make everyone smile!. A dark, handled basket presents bright fall bouquet of yellow asiatic lilies, yellow sunflowers, gold cushion mums, burgundy daisies, yellow solidaster, brown copper beech leaves and rich green salal. A dark, handled basket presents bright fall bouquet of yellow asiatic lilies, yellow sunflowers, gold cushion mums, burgundy daisies, yellow solidaster, brown copper beech leaves and rich green salal. A dark, handled basket presents bright fall bouquet of yellow asiatic lilies, yellow sunflowers, gold cushion mums, burgundy daisies, yellow solidaster, brown copper beech leaves and rich green salal. Orientation: All-Around. Teleflora P_T174-2A - Golden Days Basket - Yellow - Flower Delivery, Standard Arrangement

