Color It Happy Bouquet | Mixed Bouquets | Same Day Flower Delivery | Multi-Colored | Teleflora


Whichever season of the year, this charming bouquet is like a breath of spring. A gorgeous multicolored bouquet in a yellow vase tied with a yellow ribbon - couldn't be springier! Bring the sunny side of the street indoors with this radiant array of fresh flowers in a charming vase that's as bright as a July morning. Guaranteed to warm hearts. Bring the sunny side of the street indoors with this radiant array of fresh flowers in a charming vase that's as bright as a July morning. Guaranteed to warm hearts. The cheerful bouquet includes yellow alstroemeria, purple daisy spray chrysanthemums, hot pink spray roses, miniature peach carnations, white waxflower and purple Matsumoto asters accented with fresh greenery. Delivered in a bright yellow plastic vase tied with a yellow ribbon with white polka dots. The cheerful bouquet includes yellow alstroemeria, purple daisy spray chrysanthemums, hot pink spray roses, miniature peach carnations, white waxflower and purple Matsumoto asters accented with fresh greenery.



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