Everest Base Camp & Gokyo Ri Trek
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Everest Base Camp and Gokyo Ri Trek is an outstanding trek, which passes through the high valleys of Khumbu. Flying from Kathmandu to Lukla, we follow the Dudh Koshi valley up to the Sherpa capital of Namche, and then follow the quiet trail to Thame village in the Bhote Koshi valley. Descending to Khumjung, we are treated with the incredible views of Kantega and Thamserku and the Nuptse-Lhotse wall with Everest so realistic above. At Khumjung we rejoice below Khumbila Peak, home of the patron God of the Khumbu, before continuing up the Dudh Koshi valley to Gokyo’s alpine lakes. We ascend up to Gokyo Ri for a 360 degree panorama of snow-capped peaks in Everest Region.From Gokyo, we trek to Thagnak and then the next day cross Cho La pass, one of the toughest days of the trip as it involves steep glacier traverse through vertical icy rock surfaces. From Dzongla, we take lower route along the valley and rejoin the main trail to Everest Base Camp.

