Wadi Rum Bedouin Lifestyle Desert Adventures Tour


Secret..The Bedouin will take you on various excursions to the most stunning parts of the desert. For the adventurous traveller who loves to see mountains, ask about the sound of the Rebab – the traditional Bedouin instrument played as an accompaniment to their lyrical poetryThe sunrise and sunset period is the best. We can say congratulations that you have gotten involved with the real Bedouin lifestyle because with us you will cover 99% of famous places.Although almost everyone in Jordan speaks fluent to proficient English, it is always a nice touch to learn a couple of words in the local language while on holiday. Impress the local Jordanians by practising the following words and expressions in Arabic before you arrive – you’ll be surprised to see how happy and honoured they’ll be to see the extra effort you’ve made to learn their language.Hello: Marhaba or Al-Salamu AlaikumHow are you: Keef al HalPlease: LutfanThank you: ShukranWater: Mayya (stress on the y)Coffee: Qahwa

