Tour de Force: Port Zante and Historic Downtown Basseterre


Our Tour de Force  begins from the cruise ship Terminal in Port Zante. In 15 minutes, you will learn about the history of Port Zante and historic downtown Basseterre. Learn important trivia such as that Port Zante sits on twenty five acres of reclaimed land from the sea and that the Royal Bank of Canada now sits on the location of an old British Fort. Learn more trivia on our exciting tour as we continue to the egrets nesting site and Bloody Point and then spend 45 minutes at the World Heritage UNESCO Site Brimstone Hill. Do you know that this amazing structure was over one hundred years in the making? From there it's off to the Amazing Grace Experience, home of John Newton, who was inspired to write the song Amazing Grace after witnessing firsthand the inhumane treatment of the slaves he brought to St. Kitts from the continent of Africa. There is also the option to purchase a wide variety of local lunch as we finally make our way back to Port Zante.

