Shalatin and Obelix-Home


The camel market of Bir Shalatin is the largest and most important in all Egypt. The animals, which come from Sudan, are transported on large trucks to the town and the lively atmosphere there afford a lot of nice picture opportunities.We pick you up from the hotel, heading directly to Shalatin. After lunch in a breezy restaurant, we continue our trip to get in touch with nature. If ever you have heard about the adventures of „Asterix and Obelix“, the very special rocks along the way will remind you menhirs. You may have some short hikes, just to get a feeling for this kind of „Natures architecture“. Following in our 4x4 cars the sandy way lined with menhirs in different shapes, you may also meet a little shepherdess with her flock of sheep. Dressed in colorfull clothes, she is following the nomad tradititons and her daily routine.Finally, we are heading back to the hotel along the Costal Road which reminds you that here the desert meets the sea – a unique combination.

