Basics of Cardano & Blockchain Course


Heard about Cardano and curious to understand what makes it unique? Here we learn about blockchain technology and the unique features to Cardano including: - the Proof of Stake technology- 3rd generation blockchain meaning- Compare the difference between Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Cardano - Understand what unique problems Cardano solves in the crypto & blockchain space- Future Utility- Cardano Roadmap- The VisionCardano was rooted on three pillars: scalability, interoperability, and sustainability. Scalability has the most layers and target the most amount of people. The interoperability holds the keys for others to unlock in the future. Sustainability is achieved through Proof of Stake (POS) system. Did you know Bitcoin is built on a Proof of Work blockchain? Do you know what that means? We'll cover that in the Proof of Work vs Proof of Stake portion. For more analysis - check out "Why Cardano" on Youtube. It's for the investment-minded Cardanian where we dive in to investigate the data to tell a story with a macroeconomic approach. Once you own ADA, want to receive free 5% ADA annually? If so, stake it! I've included a *bonus* video about how to stake. Features of Staking Include:- Liquidity (Able to Unstake the Tokens Whenever)- Network Involvement- High Security When Stored in a Daedulus Wallet Personally I stake with 1PCT Pools and recommend them to friends & family. For there being so much volatility in the market, I rely on 1PCT to return me with stable rewards. I am grateful to receive the benefits of them being an enterprise-grade stake pool.

