Delcam PowerMILL CAD CAM CNC Programming


What is PowerMillPowerMill provides comprehensive milling strategies for high-speed and 5-axis machining, providing you with the tools you need for manufacturing molds, dies, and highly complex parts. In this class, we will take a look at using PowerMill to program a variety of different milling parts. While this class is meant to familiarize you with the details of programming parts in PowerMill, the main objective of this class is to teach you the workflow of programming parts in PowerMill. Focusing on the workflow as opposed to specific tools and details in the software will ensure the smoothest possible transition between programming parts in this class, and confidently taking what you've learned into your shop.Power MILL Class schedule is as follows1. Getting Started2. Machining Setup3. Area Clearance4. Finish Machining Strategies5. Leads and Links6. Boundaries7. Levels and Sets8. Editing Toolpaths9. 2D (Feature Set) Machining10. Collision Checking11. Patterns12. Wireframe Modeller13. NC Programs14. Setup Sheets15. Customizing PowerMILL16. Specialist Finishing (PRO)17. Component Thickness (PRO)18. Stock Models (PRO)19. CAD to CAM

