GO programming language + API development


The course will cover all the necessary elements of go language - from basic data types and functions, to files and API development. Everything is covered in a simple and straightforward fashion, therefore it will not take a lot of time for you to learn all that you need. We will start with basics, pay a lot of attention to syntax and explore what Go has to offer.The course will begin with the setup for windows machines using visual studio code, including all the required package and environment setup to start coding and debugging for the Go language. Once that is done, it will go into some basic structure, syntax and a few generic features of Go programming language. After that some more advanced features will be covered that are useful for development - including file handling and asynchronous programming. With all the necessary Go features covered the course will jump into the API development. That will first cover initial set up with packages, listener setup and everything else you need to get started with APIs. After that, more advanced API features will be covered - like accessing various parts of HTTP request - body, query, headers. And finally sending responses and handling status codes.-source code included



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