Learn to Fully Charge Your Work & Life by Tom Rath
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Supercharge Your Daily Routine and Live the Life You DeserveAuthor and research legend, Tom Rath, will introduce you to the content in his breakthrough book, Are You Fully Charged? He's teaching this course to help you learn how to change your daily habits, so you can create meaningful experiences while you achieve your maximum personal potential. This life-altering course will show you why our current focus on happiness and financial success limits our ability to create a truly meaningful existence. With a review of the top scientific studies, you'll learn the true science of fulfillment. You'll learn the three conditions you need to create the life you desire by giving yourself, your family, and your community the focus they deserve. Infuse positivity into your daily interactionsEnergize your personal and professional life by maximizing your talentsFind your drive and your internal motivation, so you can be your optimal selfLearn the latest science on food and fitness and get your body on board with your new mindset. Optimize Your Life by Pursuing MeaningThis course is for anyone who wants to get the most out of their time on earth by giving to others, embracing a powerful positive mindset, and energizing their daily rituals. In this one-of-a-kind course, you will learn to see the benefit of pursuing meaning instead of happiness. To walk away from this course feeling successful, all you need is a passion for personal progress to create daily well-being. Content and OverviewThe course begins by guiding you through strategies to help you master the here and now, living a life with mindfulness. You learn how to create meaning by putting the needs of others ahead of your own. Give up the pursuit of material things in order to find the true satisfaction that comes from lifting up those around you. All the content in this course is grounded in the latest psychological and scientific research, so you're getting personal development strategies that really work. You'll learn to make your work your purpose, so you find daily satisfaction in delivering value to others. At the same time, you'll avoid the trap of busyness and responsiveness. Instead, you'll initiate actions that fulfill you and bring positivity to those around you. You'll learn to focus on less, so you can do more. As the course progresses, you'll understand why competition is a lose-lose proposition, and how you can win by helping others to succeed. You'll learn to build a cumulative advantage, so you progress as you help others grow. To help you accomplish your goals, you'll get tips for how to get your body energized and thriving, so you can follow through on your purpose. The sleep section will help you understand how this basic physiological need relates to stress and energy levels. The last section of the course will walk you through on how to respond with resilience in the face of life's unexpected challenges. The course concludes with a round up of the content you've learned, so you have bite-size takeaways that you can use to remind and motivate yourself. By the end of this course, you'll have a profound understanding of how to create meaning in your life and how to live every day, 'fully charged.'

