Python: Python Programming Language Tutorial Beginner


WHAT IS THIS COURSE ABOUT?This course covers the basics of Python programming language.WHAT IS GOING TO BE COVERED IN THIS COURSE?Main topics to be introduced in this course as follows:Start coding with PythonVariables And Identifiers In PythonIntroduction To Standard Types In PythonGetting User Input And Type CastingBasic Operations In PythonMaking Decisions - if-elif-elseMore OperationsLoopsFunctionsClasses - Object Oriented ProgrammingWHY TAKE THIS COURSE?Learn Python 3●Programming Language●Python●Online Tutorial●Online Course●Sample Python Code ●Python Code Examples●Sample Python Project●Free Book●Download●Learn Python from Scratch●Hands-onThis course aims to cover the basics of Python to teach coding to everybody. You don't need to be developer to take this course. The use of Python will make your computations or the development of the tools which you need to implement quite fast and easy. Python is a very popular programming language that you can use for web development, desktop applications, server applications, web applications, robotics, computer vision, speech processing, image processing, video processing, IoT, and artificial intelligenceWith this course, you'll learn the basics of Python programming language. Our objective is to help you gain hands-on experience in Python and get interview and job-offer ready level.During this course, we help you by answering your questions.

