Advanced IBM SPSS- Quantitative Techniques in Research


This course is about advanced techniques required in the quantitative data analysis of business research through IBM- SPSS. This course is for all learners since it provides the understanding from basic to advanced techniques making it easier for a beginner and also a learner with the basic knowledge of SPSS.Those students who want to master the techniques to use SPSS and carry out analysis of the research data can take this course. It has mainly 11 sections and the main concepts taught through out the sections are:Basics of SPSSMeasure of Central TendencyAdvanced Learning- Data AnalysisReliability AnalysisDemographic AnalysisDescriptive/ NormalityFactor AnalysisCorrelationRegression- Linear and MultipleRegression in the case of Mediation and ModerationThe course has helping material to understand the concepts better in the form of short notes and also the practice exercises at every step to master the skills required to perform analysis.

