Weight loss therapy in traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM )


This course is about Chinese medicine techniques to reduce body weight and treat obesity. This course includes skills of Acupuncture, Electroacupuncture, Auriculotherapy ( Auriculoacupuncture or Ear acupuncture ), Chinese Herbal Medicine, Therapeutic porridges, Teas to lose weight, Cupping and Moxibustion skills to reduce body weight. This course explains from the basic ideas of obesity to advance skills to lose weight. Every obesity cases has different patterns and different causes. The treatment has to be done following the personal patterns and causes. The TCM is the most personally oriented natural therapy. If you are a student of Chinese medicine or Acupuncture, this course is the most necessary course to study because in these days treatment of obesity is essential in the acupuncture or therapy clinic. Obesity is one of the most common health issue in these days. It can influence the personal self esteem and social life. Obesity can cause various health problems like high cholesterol, hypertension, tiredness, depression, difficulty in pregnancy, CVA, heart attack or diabetes mellitus etc. Obesity is not easily solved just by self diet or exercise. The TCM ( traditional chinese medicine ) treatment can be a way to weighloss. If you are practicing self diet or exercise for weightloss, TCM treatment will accelerate the effect of weighloss. The most effective weight loss scheme is diet + exercise + TCM treatment. instagram: @woosenurSouth Korean, He has been teaching TCM and therapy since 2007 with various topics in Brazil, Argentina, Spain, Korea, Japan. Ph.D. doctor of Korean medicne, Wonkwang university, South KoreaMSc. Master of natural heatlh, WDU, South KoreaBSc. Bachelor of Chinese medicine in Beijing univ of TCM, ChinaBSc. Bachelor of Astronomy, Seoul national univ., South Korea.



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