SPSS for Researchers & also Data Analysis-for Businesses


Recoding, Syntax, Regression analysis, Graphical representation, and Data FilterTable making, Regression Analysis from given dataRecoding in same and different variablesDescriptive and Crosstabulation analysisYou should have a basic understanding of data and the regression equation. If you have this information then this will be very easy to understand like regression analysis and interpretation of the analysis. I will also explain the interpretation of the results.Before you begin the process of importing your data into SPSS, you need to ensure that your variable names are in the first row of the worksheet, and that there is no gap between the first and second rows. Our worksheet satisfies both these requirements.Click Transform > Recode into Different Variables.Double-click on variable Rank to move it to the Input Variable -> Output Variable box. In the Output Variable area,give the new variable the name RankIndicator.Click the Old and New Values button....Click OK.Open SPSS and the data file you want to filter by double-clicking the data file name or the SPSS icon on your computer desktop....Click the "Data" menu at the top of the SPSS Data Editor....Click the appropriate radio button that will specify which data to select for your analysis.

