Referral Marketing: Lead Generation Through Word-of-Mouth
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Are you struggling to grow your new business?Are you making the most of your good reputation?Are you worried about where you'll find new customers in the future? Whether you're just starting out or your company is already going full speed ahead, the easiest (and cheapest) way to get more customers is:★Word of Mouth★That means getting other people to recommend you, your product or your service to potential customers. These are what we call "Referrals", and the strategy for getting them is called "Referral Marketing". Of course, having a great product and customer service is the first step to getting the positive recommendations you deserve. The next step is actually building a system for getting referrals on a steady basis from two main sources:★Referrals from customers, and★Referrals from colleagues and influencers After all, research shows that up to 45% of most service businesses are chosen by customers based on the recommendations of others., and most people ask their friends first for product and service recommendations. Why ask your customers for referrals? …because they are your BEST salespeople Why ask colleagues and 'influencers' for referrals? …because they can be a source of new customers forever! You need to be asking for referrals from both types of people, but there's a lot more to getting people to give you referrals than just asking. They won't magically happen just because you're providing a great product or stellar customer service. And just asking do you know someone? can do more harm than good. Unfortunately, many business owners don't even make it that far. Why? They're afraid to ask. That's why we created our new course. It will give you a clear, step-by-step approach to getting referrals and building a  Referral Marketing Machine. I'm going to teach you the exact system that the most successful businesses use to get referrals from both customers and others. You'll gain a complete understanding of the referrals process, a workbook for completing activities, sample referral letter templates, tips for getting referrals, and a LOT more. Referral marketing involves more than general business networking or adding on an affiliate system to your website. But, building your business through referrals is the best investment of time you can consider when mapping out your marketing strategy. Prospects who are recommended to you typically have higher conversions, higher value, and longer lifetime loyalty than any other. Wouldn't you like to have those types of customers in your business? Sign up now and start building your business the fastest & most cost-effective way you can!  

