Cambodian Language for Travel and Holidays (A1)


Learn Cambodian Language before you go on holiday!Are you planning to go on holiday or travel to a Cambodian speaking country? Are you nervous about speaking to people and making yourself understood? Don't be! This course can help you. I've designed this course, Cambodian Language for Travel and Holidays, specifically for people like you. You will learn key words and phrases that will make your trip smooth. We'll also provide you with downloadable pdf file. Once you've finished the course, you should be able to communicate with people with confidence, and hopefully make some friends before you return!In this course, you will learn five sections as below:1. Arrivala. Passport controlb. Custom placec. Changing moneyd. Hotel reservatione. Car rentalf. Taxi2. Hotel and other accommodationa. Checking in hotelb. Registrationc. General requirement3. At a restauranta. Asking about restaurantb. Asking and ordering foodc. Some useful words you should knowd. Diete. Dishes on the menu4. Travellinga. Planeb. Busc. Asking the wayd. Sightseeing5. Relaxinga. Cinemab. Concertc. Nightclub and bard. SportI'm looking forward to seeing you in this course.Thank you.

