The personal color analysis course was developed to help you find your color card based on the expanded seasonal method. A quick, practical and easy course that will help you understand how to use colors to your advantage and also understand how to enhance your natural beauty with makeup and accessories. Discover witch colors value your beauty, providing a makeup effect. You will quickly understand the methodology and at the end of the course you will have your personal color card. You will learn the three pillars of personal color analysis, understanding how they work and how to apply them to yourself. In addition to discovering the colors that value your beauty, you will also discover your personal contrast and thus understand how to prolong it when wearing makeup and using accessories. By understanding your tone (undertone, contrast and chroma) you will be able to create looks that really value your skin tone and natural beauty, also being conscious about the colors that devalue your natural beauty.After the course you will also be assertive buying new clothes, and will not be deceived by store lights. If is your desire, after training a lot, practice with family and friends, you can also become a professional and offer your personal color analysis consultant, helping people to increase their self-knowledge and value natural beauty using the right colors. The focus of this course is to increase your self-knowledge so you can use colors to your advantage and learn to value your beauty even more just using the right color to you.