Member's Mark Sunflowers, Yellow (40 stems)
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Hey there, sunshine seeker! Get ready to dive into the world of floral happiness with our tried-and-true Member's Mark™ Sunflowers . These beauties have been spreading joy and good vibes wherever they go, and now they're ready to light up your environment too!Your Ultimate Sun Chasers These sunflowers are phototropic, which is just a fancy way of saying that they're sun-savvy . Watch in awe as these blooms follow the light . So, when you're setting up your sunflower, make sure to give them all a fair share of spotlight . This way, you'll prevent any dramatic shifting and keep those rays of beauty on point .Always in Season Our sunny plants are available all year round . Rain or shine, snow or sizzle, you can count on having a dash of sunshine in your life whenever you need it . Prices might change based on what Mother Nature and the market are up to . So, keep an eye out for updates to ensure you're getting the best bloom for your buck!Pro Tips & Tricks: How to Make Your Flowers Last Longer Before your flowers ship, they are prepared for their journey with proper hydration methods . If your flowers appear sleepy and thirsty after their journey, this is absolutely normal! Just follow these simple steps for proper rehydration and watch them bloom to their fullest potential .Unpack your flowers immediately upon arrival .Fill a clean container/vase with fresh, cool water .Using sharp scissors or garden shears, make a 45-degree angle cut at least 1-2 inches off the end of the stems .Place the flowers in the prepared container or vase . Arrange as desired .Allow your flowers to properly hydrate for 1-2 hours .Remove any foliage that falls below the waterline of your container . Leaves will rot and cause bacteria to form and shorten the flower's life .Re-cut the stems and refresh the flower food and water every two days .Do not place flowers in direct sunlight or near fruits, heat and drafts .Remove wilting flowers at any time to prevent bacterial growth .Check out our Floral Care Guide for sea


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