🐄Max Fit COLOSTRUM POWDER - Bovine Colostrum Supplement, or Cow Colostrum Supplement is a powerful first milk that contains over 400+ nutrients and IgGs - vital immunoglobulins that keep your body’s immunity level at its peak..🌱CREATED BY NATURE ITSELF TO BE BIOAVAILABLE for the most gentle stomachs on earth - colostrum is a first special milk that’s nicknamed “liquid gold” for a reason: mammals produce it only in the first few days after their baby is born to supply the most gentle stomachs with a highly concentrated, protein and nutrient-dense, low-fat, easy-to-digest superfood. It also plays a crucial role in building a baby's immune system..🙌 LESS PROCESSING AND NO MODIFICATIONS - what we have discovered happening on the market right now is that everything is being attempted to be taken to the next level, genetically perfected, improved; however, the reality is, the simpler the ingredients, the better. The fewer modifications are made, the better. The less-invaded the formula is, the better. We’ve simply taken what nature has gifted us with and packed it to be Max Fit Colostrum Powder. As simple as that..💟HOLISTIC APPROACH IN EVERY PRODUCT - we commit to using simple ingredients without unnecessary doubling-down, next-leveling, or extra-developing. Only natural colostrum powder supplement from grass-fed cows, harvested in the USA. Easy to mix and easy to digest..🥛GRASS-FED PREMIUM COLOSTRUM from cows raised here in the US. We work with local farmers, "cultivators of the earth, the most valuable citizens." This is very important when it comes to responsibly collecting colostrum, a very limited supply that is available only in the first few days after the calf is born. The farmers ensure that we receive only the excess colostrum, making sure that the baby calves get everything they need before we obtain our supply of colostrum powder.