John Lipchak, O.D here. As an eye doctor I know why people hate taking drops. Two problems: Holding the bottle and moving/tilting your head so the drop ends up on your cheek. Protective instinct takes over your brain, making you flinch. EDH solves both problems..When you put on the EDH the first time you realize how protected you feel. Stable and safe because of 3 point touch: only device that gently rests on your nose,cheek and brow to hold the bottle the same way every time. Infant or giant the EDH shields the eye, even with tremors. Buy my product and others and return those you dislike!.Let go of stress and the bottle. Load the bottle in the hole that works for you and flip strap to front to lock it in 24/7, only replace when empty! Place bottle and EDH combo in gallon size ziplock for storage. Set and forget. Only touch the bottle to squeeze a drop out. Quick and easy..Lying down flat and pointing nose straight up to ceiling solves the head tilt/movement problem. You can slow down and relax because the EDH holds the bottle and protects the eye. Just need to concentrate on not tilting head left/right. After you gain control of your drops you can simply tilt head back instead of lying down. Just use a different hole and try to tilt back the same way every time. Drop on cheek means you’re not pointing nose straight up..Ask your eye doctor about everything I say. EDH is designed so you can put drops in with your eyes open or closed. Putting drops in with the eyes closed is legitimate. Look at the American Academy of Ophthalmology website. If he/she/you don’t believe the closed eye method works, ask them to test it next time they use their yellow drops. EDH is hypoallergenic and easily disinfected with rubbing alcohol. It works for single use vials and any bottle that can stick through the back side. Made in USA.