Charlie's Touchdown by Mary Jo Stopher


A poor prognosis overshadows the joy of bringing home a new baby. Charlie's congenital heart disease will surely take his life some day with the probability being within the first year. After questioning God as to why this happened, his parents eventually resign themselves to the fact that there are no answers. The advice of a friend helps Mary Jo focus on making life the best it can be for her son. She and her husband, Charles Sr., decide to treat Charlie as normally as possible. Doctors offer no encouragement, as there is no operation to correct Charlie's heart condition. When the Stophers move away for Charles Sr. to attend college, they are led to Dr. Cottrill, who gives them hope for the first time. She suggests an operation that would improve Charlie's condition, but cannot correct the malformation. She shares her Christian beliefs and makes it clear that God is the one in charge. Mary Jo's faith is challenged and she answers the call. Thus begin years of surgeries, trials and suffering for young Charlie and an inspiring spiritual journey for his mother. Charlie perseveres and becomes a happy child with a lifelong dream to play football. People watch as he endures much suffering in his life and they recognize the manifestation of God's love shining through him. He leads an exciting life as The Kentucky Easter Seal poster child meeting celebrities such as Sam Bowie and Nancy Reagan along the way. In Charlie's Touchdown, Stopher observes her son being used to bring others closer to Christ. This honor humbles her to be open to God's will even at the cost of losing her son. The depth of her soul is revealed as she shares moving spiritual insights and allows the presence of Christ to be seen in daily life. She recognizes that the suffering of the innocent is similar to the suffering of Christ. Therefore, as Charlie's mother, she knew that a sword would pierce her heart just as it did Our Blessed Mother's. A beautiful relationship grows between heaven and earth as abundant blessings are poured out and purpose is found in suffering.


Better World Books