Drumsticks by Charlotte Carter


Nanette is back in New York City and busy getting over her ex-boyfriend in the only sane way possible for a woman of her sensitive, artistic nature: drinking herself into oblivion. But when a friend gives her a voodoo doll, Nanette's life seems to turn around. A missing check turns up, her street-corner saxophoning starts raking in the money, and she's even offered a regular gig at a jazz club. Nan is so grateful that she invites the doll's creator, an older woman named Ida Williams, to her first performance. But the gig has only just begun when the room explodes in gunfire. When the smoke clears, Ida is found dead. Who was the shooter? And why would they shoot a harmless old woman? Soon, Nanette will learn that the elderly craftswoman had a somewhat checkered past, and it will take more than a voodoo doll to protect a sometime sleuth from its secrets.


Better World Books