Passiflora edulis, commonly called purple passion fruit, is a shallow-rooted, tendril-climbing, evergreen vine that typically grows to 10-15’ long and to 3-5’ wide and produces extremely showy bowl-shaped fragrant purple-white passionflowers (each to 3” wide) followed by edible, ovoid, purple passion fruits (to 2" across)..This vine clings to supports by coiled tendrils. Individual flowers bloom for one day..Each flower has 5 greenish-white sepals, 5 white petals and a decorative corona of white filaments which are showy purple at the bases..Ripe fruits are edible off the vine or incorporated into a variety of food products such as beverages, jellies, fruit salads and sherbets..Three-lobed evergreen leaves (to 3-8" long) are finely-toothed, deep green and glossy above but dull green below. Young stems are tinged with red or purple. Glossy, three-lobed leaves (3-5" long) with serrate margins have two small glands on the stalks.