OLAPLEX No.3 Hair Perfector

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No.3 Hair Perfector - NO 3 HAIR PERFECTOR 3.3FLOZBenefitsReverses damage in as little as 3 minutesStrengthens and reduces breakageRestores healthy appearance and hair textureComplete bond builderOLAPLEX products are thoroughly tested in accordance with industry standards in-house and by independent third-party laboratories for safety and efficacyResearch Results90% smoother, better detangling, more conditioned* (*When used as a system of No.3, No.4, No.5)Clinically-proven to repair and reverse damageReduces breakage / 3X reduced breakage* *When used as directed68% more repair (*when combined with No.0 and No.4)Hair is 2.5X stronger after 1 use* (*when combined with No.0 and No.4)Restores healthy appearance and textureRepairs and protects deep within the hair strandsVisibly strengthens hairFormulated WithoutNutsParabensPhosphatesPhthalatesSulfatesGlutenDEAAldehydesFormaldehyde - No.3 Hair Perfector


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