TAJ Tamarind Chutney | Imli ki Chutney | (Tamarind, 11.8oz)


Usage: It is use in Indian, Thai, African Dishes like Soups , Gravies, Sambhar or use as chutney for Panipuri, Samosa plus all of the Thai recipes especially in the savory dishes & many other dishes..Tamarind Chutney: Tamarind chutney is made from the concentrated fruit of the tamarind tree. It is natural an awesome ingredient which you can use in a variety of dishes..Imli Chutney: Imli Chutney is definitely one for the pantry because it compliments so many meals and snacks..Authentic: Tamarind Chutney is one of the best and authentic items that we carry. A unique mixed of pickles and vegetables gives it an exquisite taste..Multi Use:Tamarind pairs perfectly with chocolate and warm spices like cinnamon and ginger. Try it in your next chocolate or gingerbread cake. You can add tamarind to your next curry to brighten up and compliment the savory richness of the dish.



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