Lexibook - Collins Bradford, Electronic Crossword Solver, Bradford, Phonetic Spell-Correction, Words Games, Electronic, with Battery, Black/White, CR753EN


Electronic Crossword solver with features from the Collins Bradford dictionary 11th edition: your No.1 crossword assistant. No more unfinished puzzles!.Solve the most challenging of crosswords with the help of powerful features: Xword, Clue, Synonyms & Adv..User-list to create a personalized list and search for solultions from words stored in user list..Phonetic spell-correction: ensures the right word will be found even if you misspell it. Database from the Collins Bradford dictionary 11th edition..Includes: Word builder solvers..Includes: Word builder solvers..Other uses: calculator, currency and unit converters..Help on screen at any time..Power Supply: : 1x CR2032 (Included)..Warranty: 2 years.

